Tuesday, January 17, 2006

Sharks Alive

This posting is not canoeing related but for all those paddlers who surf ski in the ocean, you never know what lurks under you. These pics are of a great white in Gaans Bay Cape Town.

Monday, January 16, 2006

Jan Hare and Hound

(Click in table to expand)

Well done to all 17 paddlers who braved the cold and wind. Four PB’s set to dayt well done to John Smith just returning to kayaking. Simon and Sarah had a good race both starting together, setting PB’s and finishing together. Maggie set a PB and had an excellent race.

I have taken the chance to adjust a lot of handicaps the first 5 home will start later next time and the last five home are moved forward a minute-hopefully this will give a better finish next time. Thank you again to Caroline for timing.

Sorry about the quality of the table but a feel quite smog in that I have paseded the results.


Saturday, January 14, 2006

Don's result for 'Christies'

Don, John & Pauline presenting Christie's Hospital with a cheque for £765.00, sponsor monies kindly donated to Don, folowing his participation of the Cheshire Ring Race 2005.